Heart to Heart Collection

Collection Heart to Heart- Evolution to Womanhood

As it turns out, my works in this collection tell the story of my evolution into womanhood, a journey that that seekers, those on a quest and other woman may identify with, all starting well before I was aware of my own transformation from girl to woman and from a lost world traveler to the artist writing this statement.

By far living a simple and easy life is not why these paintings hang on the wall before you, but more accurately too many deaths, too many betrayals and too many mistakes coupled with enough laughter, eye opening world travel and moments when the dust settled and an apparent mistake brought me to a place of pure glory like a sunset bursting forth among storm clouds.  Heart to Heart, an unplanned, emotionally driven collection suddenly became clear as I wrote about the inspirations behind my paintings since circa 2004 until today. Presenting this collection feels much like my womanhood suddenly catapulting into the light amongst tears and anguish with my arms held high in the air with an ultimate exhalation of  triumphant  and peace.

A slow unraveling from my girl’s heart to my womanly heart today themes that penetrate thorough out the collection restlessness, adventure, travel, search for home, wonder, confusion, survival, I am the protagonist of this painting collection and I lived this awakening to womanhood every story and every stroke , thank you for sharing it with me today.     

The story does continue as I can feel the stirrings in my soul surging towards my painter’s hands even now…